What’s the first thing you want to do when you get a new phone? Customize it, if it’s android! Yet, making your android phone look great requires an absurd amount of time, attention and skills. Ain’t nobody got time for that! Enter Buzz launcher, a new android launcher that makes it easy for anyone to download and share gorgeous homescreens from their android phone!
Launchers are best known for extending the power and functionality of android homescreens. Just about every android enthusiasts uses one and you can find my favorites in my post of 55 must-have android apps.
Buzz launcher caters to those that want an amazing homescreen without sacrificing too much time and energy. When you install Buzz, you’re immediately greeted with a brief walkthrough of features and three stunning homescreens to start with. This will be enough for some, but most people will quickly move on to create their own homescreen or download “homepacks” from the Homepack Buzz community.
Using Homepacks with Buzz Launcher
Homepacks are exact copies of your homescreen wrapped in a nice package that be can downloaded and shared with others. Downloading a homepack is easy and a great way to discover new apps and widgets. Use the icons to the left and right of the page indicators to access the Homepack Buzz service. Here, you can browse homepacks by category, staff picks, what’s hot and what’s new.
Each homepack page displays a screenshot of the homescreen, what phone and screen resolution it was made with in addition to the number of downloads, likes and buzzes a homepack accumulates. Beneath these metrics is a list of apps used in the homepack. You only need these apps if you want your homescreen to look exactly like the screenshot. Otherwise, this section is a great resource to discover what others are using to customize their homescreen.
Once you find a homepack you like, you can replace your old homescreen with the homepack or add the homepack to your existing setup.
Customizing Buzz Launcher
Most homepacks are good enough to use as soon as you download them, but it’s always more fun to add some personal touches. Homepacks also come with individual settings that can be toggled on or off or replaced altogether. Wallpapers, docks, and homescreen margins can be reconfigured on the fly. Simply touch and hold your finger over an icon or widget to reset, resize, remove or edit the title, label, action and widget-specific settings. Keep in mind that there may not be an icon set available in a homepack, just the individual icons used in the homescreen.
To delete a homepack, pinch your homescreen to get an overview of all of your homescreens. From this view you can tap and hold any of your homescreens to delete or reposition them. Tapping a homescreen once will set it as your default homescreen. The app drawer also has a few cool options including the ability to create multiple folders, change folder images and resize folders in the app drawer or on your homescreens. Standard options such as hiding, uninstalling, and adding apps to the homescreen are also available.
A Solid Android Launcher
Buzz launcher comes with a solid selection of homepacks for your homescreen and a highly active and budding community of sharers. Whether you’re looking for something simple and modern or colorful and creative, Buzz launcher has over 300 homepacks to choose from. They’re quick and easy to install and the app comes with a great set of features to meet pro and newbie customization needs.
The Buzz launcher team has the right idea about how to make sense of the myriad of tools for customizing Android while also making it easy for others to experience a kickass homescreen with little to no effort. For now, Buzz continues to be the default launcher on my Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Kudos to the Buzz team for an awesome app! Did I mention this app is free?
[pb-app-box pname=’com.buzzpia.aqua.launcher’ name=’Buzz Launcher’ theme=’light’ lang=’en’]