FriendFeed Gets Personal and More Manageable

Last night, FriendFeed quietly released another cool feature: personalized recommendations. You know how Benjamin Golub created the FriendFeed Shared Items filter using RSSmeme? If you haven’t, the filter tracks the most shared items within your FriendFeed network? Personalized recommendations is an expansion on that same concept. So, instead of seeing what the most popular shared items are, you get to see the most popular items overall within your network.

fffeature It all started when Bret came back from vacation and had a pile of stuff to sort through on FriendFeed. Welcome to the information overload club Bret. Since he only wanted to see the most interesting stuff he’d missed, personalized recommendations was created.

Filter Options

Essentially, the feature is filtered in four ways:

  • Best of the day
  • Best of the week
  • Best of the month
  • Best month/week/day by service

You can restrict all your items to one of the length of times provided or even see the “best of” for selected services. To get the best of services, first choose your filter. Next click on any of the service icons to produce the personalized service filter. Here’s a preview with the ‘blog’ service filtered by week.


A More Manageable FriendFeed

While it won’t replace Steven Hodson’s Pipeline on Winextra, it’ll definitely be useful for the busy bees and those that like to take frequent breaks from the internet. For me, it’s going to be great to keep up with what my network feels is most important without me having to rush through 3 or 4 pages of conversation. I can see that it’s going to save me a ton of time and frustration that normally ends in me exiting FriendFeed. This type of filtering feature will help me to better manage FriendFeed and keep up without feeling like I’m losing time. So thanks for this wonderful feature guys!

Corvida Raven

A natural pioneer at grasping the rapidly changing landscape of technology, Corvida Raven talks tech in plain English on