Tech Opinion

Note to Self: Take the Wheel

Dear College Me, ight now, you are on the cusp of adulthood and worried about where your life is headed. Here is the good news: you are the navigator on this journey. You are in the driver’s seat and you get to choose where we go next. That choice will always be yours.

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Android, Gadgets, iPhone, Tech Opinion

Why I Switched from iOS to Android

Last November, I switched from an iPhone to the Galaxy Note 2. The iPhone just doesn’t keep up with my needs anymore. After years of waiting for Apple to bring new innovations to the iPhone, I’ve watched Google and its partners slowly begin to edge past what Apple offers – and now I’m moving with them.

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Conferences & Events, Tech Opinion

How To Diversify Any Conference You Attend

On Monday, March 12th, I participated in my fourth panel at SxSW 2012 titled: “Race: When to Hold it and When to Fold it.” The purpose of the panel was to change the conversation from “What can technology conferences do about diversity?” to “What can attendees do about diversity at technology conferences?” If you have […]

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