I gave iOS4 on the iPhone 3G a pretty decent review. I immediately sided with the crowd on it’s horrible performance. iOS isn’t bad. In fact I enjoy some of the new added features. Despite this, the hardware you’re using becomes a major problem. The iPhone 3G can’t carry iOS4 like newer models. However, after a little reseearch and testing, I’ve found 3 things that really help to improve iOS4 performance on any iPhone. Keep reading to get the scoop.
Use zToggle
zToggle is an amazing iPhone tool that allows you to toggle multitasking and wallpapers features of iOS4 on and off. Multitasking and wallpapers are heavy performance hitters on iPhone 3G. They were initially exclusive to the iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4.
Thanks to some amazing jailbreak devs, these features can be activated on the iPhone 3G. To skip this “upgrade” nightmare use zToggle. It gives you the option to turn these features on and off at will. I’m not a big fan of iOS4 multitasking so I’ve disabled it and kept the wallpapers. zToggle is free and available in the BigBoss Cydia repository.
*If you jailbreak your iPhone 3G with Redsn0w, you cannot disable multitasking after jailbreak. Re-jailbreaking is required but un-check the multitasking feature in order to use zToggle.
Disable Spotlight Search Filters
Spotlight on the iPhone is a neat search tool. However, it now comes at the expense of performance on the iPhone 3G. Disabling a few Spotlight settings can cause a noticeable improvement on your phone. To access these filters
- Settings App: General –> Home –> Spotlight Search
I now only have Contacts, Applications, Calendar, and Mail listed as search filters. Everything that else I don’t mind digging for or I don’t search for it often. Using these two guidelines can help you decide what to disable also.
How Have You Improved?
I’m also a tad obsessive about deleting my SMS, Call History, and Web History weekly. These little tweaks after a hard or soft reset can make a difference when you need it to.
- What tips have you tried?
- What hacks have you found?
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