Earlier last week I blogged about a new micro-blogging service known as identi.ca. Since them, it’s been talked abotu as a Twitter alternative in numerous circles. Quite a few people are expected to stay on board the identi.ca train and ride this very interesting wave. I’ve been watching my identi.ca stream all weekend. Evan Prodromou, […]
Read moreIdenti.ca Apps & Why It Could Blow Twitter Away
I’m on Identi.ca and I’m loving it. Discovered it via Marshall Kirkpatrick’s post on ReadWriteWeb (Identi.ca: May A Million Twitters Bloom). I’m also on the phone with Sarah Perez discussing what the latest verb for identi.ca will be. Yes, we’re true social media fanatics and yes every microblogging service needs a verb. You can follow […]
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