I find myself gravitating towards Alltop.com a lot lately. Not more so than Feedly, but I make time to browse a few Alltop pages to get quick updates on industry news from the best on the field. Alltop pages are clever tools to tracking industry related news. Imagine getting a dashboard overview of new content from authority voices on almost any topic you can think of. Or imagine reading some of the best industry related news when you want it, without sorting through hundreds of feeds to get it. Now make it a reality with some of these resourceful Alltop pages.
9 Resourceful Alltop Pages
- Receive motivating tips to improve your writing daily- http://writing.alltop.com/
- Twitter Maniacs Only – http://twitter.alltop.com/
- Facebook Maniacs Only – http://facebook.alltop.com/
- Best Blog and Blogging Tips Of The Day – http://blogging.alltop.com/
- Breaking Mobile News - http://mobile.alltop.com/
- http://iphone.alltop.com/
- http://blackberry.alltop.com/
- http://nokia.alltop.com/
- http://android.alltop.com/
Custom Alltop pages
- PR, Bloggers, Business, Social Media Marketers – http://my.alltop.com/briansolis
- Social Media, Technology, PR, Social Networks – http://my.alltop.com/louisgray
- Fashion, Technology, Entertainment – http://my.alltop.com/zappos
- New Media, Community Management, Business – http://my.alltop.com/chrisbrogan
I have most of these pages bookmarked in their own folder and dip through each page once a day depending on the topic I’m looking into. I find these dashboards to a more efficient way of managing the feeds that I want to read versus what I need to read. I get the news I need in near real-time and when I’m done, I can move on to something else without worrying about number count of 1000+ unread items.
Share links to your favorite Alltop pages in the comments!