In my previous post, I complained about WordPress’ lack of respect for XHTML. The WYSIWYG editor is only trying to help, I know. However, in the end it’s more hurtful than helpful for me. I spend an absurd amount of time playing with HTML coding and searching for fixes, rather than writing. It’s a time-suck and the last thing any blogger wants to waste time doing. This becomes especially tricky when using third party blogging apps like Windows Live Writer. The app may format the post correctly, but when you try to publish it to your site, WordPress can mess with the formatting so that WYSI not WYG.
Enter the Trustworthy XHTML plugin for WordPress.
This plugin does a great job of stopping WordPress from automatically formatting your posts and does it in a way that keeps the HTML clean and valid. Valid HTML helps to ensure that the look of your post stays consistent across various screen sizes and devices (smartphones versus tablets and PCS). Awesomesauce!