Before I begin my SxSW festivities, I wanted to give you the heads up about a skill better known as man-tasking. Yes, man-tasking.
What on earth is man-tasking? It’s the ultimate combination of being a sports fan and an MVP multitasker. You already have friends in this bracket. They’re the people that streams sports online, watches multiple games on the TV at the same time, tracks scores, follows brackets all while managing several fantasy teams. And they don’t bat an eyelash at the gadgets they use to multi-task on this level.
As March Madness month rolls around, a lot of men will be man-tasking to get the most out of major sporting events using technology. Over 8 million men to be exact! In honor of the flurry of activity that will happen, I’ll be hosting a Flash Lunch with Intel, who’ve graciously paid for my travel to SxSW and this event. I’d also love to catch up with you while at SxSW, and I think a Flash Lunch is the perfect opportunity. So, here’s the deal:
Get on Twitter and answer the following question:
Who is the biggest man-tasker you know, and how?
Be sure to tag your answer with #mantasking AND #flashlunch to be entered to win a FREE spot at my Flash Lunch!
You have to hurry though, only 10 spots are available!
I love that term: man-tasking. Is is already in the dictionary? It should be. =)
I think most male like sports and naturally men multi-task to take care of their family.