The rumors were true. Today, Facebook steps into the location-based services (or LBS) arena with Facebook Places. Now everyone is watching Foursquare, the current king of LBS. Not to mention Google acknowledged receiving 100 million Google Map users every month. The mobile space is clearly heating up and here’s what you should know about it.
Read moreSync Google Calendar With Your iPhone Using Calendars By Readdle
Syncing Google Calendar on your iPhone can be a nuisance more than a benefit. Bookmarking Google Calendar mobile isn’t any better. As a web app it lacks offline support. Using CalDAV to sync Google Calendar doesn’t give you the full capabilities of Google Calendar. So what do you do? Readdle has released the answer to this […]
Read moreMake Calls With Google Voice From Your iPhone’s Browser
Last summer, there was a big pow-wow between Google and Apple over the Google Voice iPhone app. It didn’t get approved, but Google found a quick work around by optimizing Google Voice for mobile browsers to make a web app. This had major limitations that prevented use of the best features in Google Voice. There’s […]
Read more23 Popular Google Chrome Extensions For Web Workers
That’s right, Google Chrome Extensions have arrived! As an avid supporter of the Google Chrome browser (ex-Firefox user), I was stoked to start trying out the new extensions. Previously, I had a ton of bookmarks that provided the same functionality and they’re all gone now thanks to extensions coming to Chrome. Think of your […]
Read more3 Must Have Google Reader Clients For The iPhone
For some, a smartphone isn’t complete without a decent RSS reader – and yes, people still use RSS. Most RSS Readers for iOS are slow to sync with Google Reader or are really buggy! These are my top three picks for RSS readers that are changing the mobile RSS landscape – and sync quickly with Google […]
Read moreHow Important Is Your Google PageRank To Your Site Analytics?
“Google has removed the PageRank section in the crawl statistics in Google Webmaster Tools”. Yes, I had that weird look on my face too when I read the article. Googler, Susan Moskwa explained why in the thread: We’ve been telling people for a long time that they shouldn’t focus on PageRank so much; many site […]
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