I’m back with another round of Conversations with Corvida. Today, we have Adria Richards (@adriarichards) in front of the camera. I ran into Adria in the lobby of the Hilton at SxSW and naturally the conversation turned toward technology. Video is a huge area that I’ve watched Adria put a lot of energy into (Adria’s YouTube Channel). I’ve only dabbled in video previously and Conversations with Corvida is my “introduction” into the game. Curious about Adria’s progress, I decided to ask her about making videos and YouTube.
Adria proceeded to give me a run down of the YouTube Partner Program. I’d heard of this program, but didn’t really know much about it until Adria give me the scoop. So, here’s a glimpse into my conversation with Adria Richards about the YouTube Partner Program and what she’s learned since joining.
A huge thanks to my SxSW Sponsor Intel for covering portions of my trip to SxSW! Another conversation you can delve into from Intel focuses on the Remastered Project. Intel re-tells the stories of some of the most famous pieces of art from history, using technology to re-interpret their meaning for a contemporary audience. Different artists recreate these famous images using different mediums such as photography or interactive installations. It’s pretty wild!