What was once a Mashable exclusive feature may now be available to every blog using the Disqus commenting system. Don’t know what I’m talking about? Social Media Reactions! (See Mashable’s post for an in-depth review: Mashable, Disqus, and UberVU Launch Social Media Comments.) Hat tip to Wayne Sutton for the tip off!
Social Media Reactions By Disqus
In short, social media reactions (formerly Social Media Comments) pulls mentions and comments about your content made on other web services into your Disqus commenting system. For example, if someone posts a comment about your latest post on FriendFeed, Disqus finds it and pulls it into the system as a “social media reaction.”
Head to your Disqus account under Admin & Settings. Scroll down and you’ll find an option to enable Social Media Reactions. Current services include FriendFeed, Vimeo, Twitter, Picasca, Digg, Flickr, Blogg, Typepad, WordPress, Movable Type, Youtube, and an option for other services.
Comment Fragmentation Who?
I’m not sure if this will pull in comments and mentions made on previous posts. I highly doubt it in any case. I’m not sure how well this works right now, but I plan to test it out on SheGeeks for the rest of the week. So feel free to comment on Friendfeed or Twitter about the content on SheGeeks.net.
nice feature, I'm just testing Disqus now on my site, everything works great so far.
Just wanted to let you know that the social media reactions have started to show up around my blog.
Disqus is getting better and better. I only wish it could work on WordPress.org blogs ;)
Cool. I like Disqud more and more.
I just signed up for Disqus – very cool!
When Disqus rolled out FF support they chose to import all existing FF comments all at once, maybe we're all stuck in that sort of plodding back-to-front scan right now. Maybe Corvida's mentions will catch up next week.
I hope so, Daniel, but UberVu is already aggregating everything that looks even vaguely like a comment on their servers. They've done that since before the Mashable integration, since their primary tool is a direct competitor to backtype connect.
But perhaps there is some ongoing work on the connection between Disqus and the UberVu engine that we aren't privy to. I don't see a mention of this new feature on the Disqus blog, after all.
I just wanted to double-check over here.. yep, it looks like the new aggregation stuff isn't actually populating yet. Same news on my site.. so for now, Mashable (and even folks like Louis Gray who use FFtoDisqus) have the advantage.
This is great news! I just tweeted a bit.ly version of this URL, let's see if/when it shows up.