I interrupt your regularly scheduled RSS consumption to bring to a) give you a break from feed reading, and b) notify you of an emergency podcasting that took place last night amongst TheSocialGeeks team.
Chris Miller, Sarah Perez, Wayne Sutton, JeffisaGeek, Louis Gray, and myself brainstormed over several important questions to consider pertaining to the news that gave early adopters a heart attack yesterday: Facebook acquired FriendFeed to the tune of a reported $50 million.
Listen below or via iTunes to Episode 19 of TheSocialGeeks: FaceFriend FeedBook.
Discuss It!
- What are your concerns for Facebook’s acquisition of FriendFeed?
- Are you taking any actions to protect your FriendFeed data?
- Do you feel helpless right now?
- Where will you go if FriendFeed is discontinued?
- Will this force or persuade you to start using Facebook more?
Related Content
- Mark Zuckerberg & FriendFeed Co-Founders Celebrate Deal [Pic] – Mashable
- Why Facebook Wants FriendFeed – GigaOm
- Hi Facebook, It’s Me, FriendFeed. This Relationship? It’s Complicated – LouisGray
- Why Did Facebook Buy FriendFeed? – Regular Geek
- The Cost Of FriendFeed: Roughly $50 Million In Cash And Stock – TechCrunch