Is There Nothing More To Write About?

blog Today, along with someone else, I came to the conclusion that there’s just nothing to write about anymore. Of course there are numerous things to write about, but nothing that I’d love to write about.

The passion behind discovering new and innovative services is gone. Why? Because very few services are new and innovating these days. I’m not knocking the infinity amount of Twitter/Friendfeed/Facebook addons and extensions. However, they’re desert at the end of the day. Where’s the meat? Where are the Shyfters, SocialMedians, Toluus of the world? Where are the services that aren’t attempting to be the next Twitter/FriendFeed/Facebook killers?



Here’s a list of areas where I’d love to see more services/apps catering to:

Filtering – This is a great time for companies with products that cater to filter information to make an appearance. So far, Filtrbox is the only service worth looking at from what I’ve seen.

Mobile Applications – I’m mobile now more than ever. My iPhone doesn’t leave my side and my wall-plug/usb cord is always in my backpack. Trust me when I say that my iPhone rarely dies. More mobile applications for existing services and apps would be a delight to see. This area could really use some more help. However, I’d love to see more mobile apps that are geared toward the mobile platform  instead of the sub-platforms like the iPhone or Android. Stop limiting yourself, that way my friends and audience can experience what I experience when I use these services.

More Media! – Seesmic,, and are great, but I’d love to see more services in this arena to check out that are on their level of interaction. I’d love to see more services that interact with media in a better way, just as Seesmic and has done. The concept may be the same (media), but delivering the results differently could go a long way. The way users interact with media services and apps should be different every time. Don’t follow others. Take the concept, but deliver the results different from competition.

Repetition Is The Father Of Learning

chat They say repetition is the father of learning. However, everything just seems so repetitive these days. This only makes the space seem boring or dead. I’m hoping we’ve hit a plateau and that future developers and startups are learning from the repetition of today’s services.

Competition isn’t stiff, because a lot of services are just copycats or extensions of others. In my humble opinion: there is no competition right now. As aforementioned, I’m not knocking these services. I just wish there were more innovating services and apps related to my interests that I could use, ponder, and review here on SheGeeks. I’m sure I’m not alone in that.

Corvida Raven

A natural pioneer at grasping the rapidly changing landscape of technology, Corvida Raven talks tech in plain English on