I just ran across Retaggr which aims to be an interactive business card or better yet, another lifestream profile. Registration was quick and easy to do. The host of profiles you can add were pretty decent. I’d say around the same amount that MyBlogLog offers, maybe a little more though I’m not entirely sure about this. Here’s an example of my Retaggr business card:
Pretty neat, but doesn’t look very business cardish. I’d change the way the icons are laid out for one and allow for more information aside from my email address (which I turned off) and the fact that I’m in the US. City and state please? Phone numbers? A logo?
You can create various business cards, though I’m not entirely sure why. Possibly for different networks you’d like to hand it out to. All in all, it’s just a different template than what MyBlogLog happens to use and isn’t very customizable as far as CSS is concerned.
Speaking of MyBlogLog, they’ve just added ThisNext, Magnolia and FriendFeed to their great list of services that you can see in your "New with Me" feed.
Unfortunately, my Retaggr business card will be staying right in this post. It doesn’t match my new theme.