Apps & Tools, Featured

Microplastics: Find Out How Much You Consume

Most of us know we’re drowning our planet in plastic and it has a big negative impact on our environment. Did you also know that you could be eating roughly 2,000 tiny plastic particles and fibers every week, 1,769 of which come from drinking water alone? Keep reading to find out how many microplastics could […]

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Apps & Tools, Featured

Using Tech & Curiosity To Battle Boredom In Quarantine

By now, almost everyone wants out of quarantine. For me, it’s been a state of never-ending boredom and rat race to stay entertained. Satisfying our curious minds is work and the options for safely doing so seem slim. In collaboration with Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, here are activities to battle boredom in quarantine using technology […]

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Apps & Tools

The Company Behind Future Tech at CES 2020

I was Invited to CES2020 by EMD Performance Materials. They are the high-tech materials arm of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany. It’s likely your TV or smartphone is made with their products. Simply put, they’re the company behind the makers of your favorite technology.

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