Twitter Now Has Search…Through Google!

There’s been pleadings left and right for Twitter to implement a better search feature! And though I don’t want to see Search on Twitter, programmers are taking things into their hands and making their own!

Twitter user hdiwan, a.k.a Prolific Programmer, has made a Twitter Google Custom Search that allows you to search through Twitter to your heart’s content! Though it could use a little improvement, it does search both users and tweets.

As you can see, I did a search for ‘SheGeeks’ and these results popped up on the first page. Some of these tweets are old. There’s one that’s wishing me a happy birthday. My birthday was November 7th. It’s March 18th.

My only qualm is that there’s now way to properly sort through them. I can’t see results based on relevancy nor date, which I think are very important.

Though it’s clearly not ready for prime time, this is only the beginning. Or you could use Terraminds (though it’s down right now).

Share your thoughts on how this creation can be improved!

Technorati tags: twitter, google, twitter search, google custom search, twitter custom search
Corvida Raven

A natural pioneer at grasping the rapidly changing landscape of technology, Corvida Raven talks tech in plain English on