Eric Berlin has an interesting post asking whether Twitter is the new RSS reader. The post provides some great insight as to why Twitter could beat RSS readers, but in reality, it never will and he also happens to point that out from the start.
In Berlin’s article he states that:
For me, Twitter has of late become a faster and easier and more accessible way to let the news “come to me.”
While this is a useful benefit of using Twitter, it’s not enough to beat an RSS Reader.
This is a list of stories that I would not have found in my RSS reader, at least not in full.
This is all that Twitter is, to some extent. It’s just a way to find stuff that you may not be subscribing to. However, every website is not pushing there blog feeds on Twitter like I do (@SheGeeks on Twitter). That ends the argument for me right there.
However if we dig a little deeper, sometimes the articles sent on Twitter are days, weeks, or even months old! If you’re not following people who retweet articles regularly, you’ll miss a lot of news. On top of that, it could take hours for some articles to spread to others on Twitter, while you’ll get it almost instantaneously through a RSS reader.
Though Twitter definitely has it’s benefits, I wouldn’t call it a replacement for my feed reader. However, I definitely recommend using it in addition to your RSS reader for discovering articles that, as Berlin mentioned, you otherwise may never have come across.