Gridjit: A Visual Twitter Portal Service

I found this little gem through Robert Scoble’s link blog, but  it seems the original source is Blog Herald (Gridjit,A Social Portal for Twitter).

Gridjit is a portal that presents you with a unique way of seeing your Twitter stream on the web. Instead of the usual vertical 1 column display of tweets, Gridjit shows up to 3 columns of twitter messages. Here’s a look at my Twitter view on Gridjit:

Click image to enlarge


It’s a pretty simple interface that definitely sets itself apart from other Twitter web services that do the same. Gridjit also gives you the option to post from the interface itself by providing your password, which it assures you is not kept. Another neat feature that Gridjit incorporates is the grouping of messages from users, though there’s no indication on how this is determined. It seems that if a person’s messages are sent within minutes of each other, they’ll simply be grouped together under that person’s handle in Gridjit.

You can easily view someone else’s profile view by clicking on their names. Though, this would be a concern for those who have private Twitter accounts (like myself). Hopefully, this isn’t a problem, but I can’t truly tell. If you know, please let it be known in the comments section.The only feature that seems to be missing is a timestamp on tweets. This would be particularly useful for messages that are grouped together under a person’s twitter handle.

All in all, it’s a solid and simple service, though for those who are spoiled my Twhirl‘s slew of features, Gridjit may not be for you.

Corvida Raven

A natural pioneer at grasping the rapidly changing landscape of technology, Corvida Raven talks tech in plain English on