Wayne Sutton (@waynesutton), a new social media technology evangelist, brought up a very interesting perspective over in the comment section of "Use Twitter In Conjunction With Your RSS Reader". He stated that:
But I must say that I read tweets more now than I do blog post.
Do many of you do the same?
I know that it’s much easier to do considering that twitter messages are sent much faster than blogs are publishing articles. However, there are quite a few people who can’t afford to read every twitter message, such as those with thousands of followers. Also, there are those who don’t quite interact with Twitter very often either.
As of lately, I can attest that I’ve definitely been reading way more tweets than blog posts. I do this because there’s more conversation and it’s produced at a more rapid pace than bloggers publish their content (or faster than Google Reader pushes content to me). Not only that, but when there’s nothing else to read in Google Reader, there’s also something to read on Twitter.
Agree? Disagree? What are your thoughts on why or why not?