Facebook Helping Mass Adoption?

News is spreading quickly about Facebook’s newest enhancement to their Newsfeed.

According to the Facebook blog:

Chances are, you use parts of the Internet that aren’t Facebook. You might post photo albums using Flickr or Picasa, for example, instead of on Facebook. There are a lot of good sites out there, unfortunately, that can sometimes mean a lot of switching around for your friends, and it can make it harder for them to discover the very best of your content. With that in mind, we’ve introduced a way for you to import activity from other sites into your Mini-Feed (and into your friends’ News Feeds).

The option to import stories from other sites can be found via the small "Import" link at the top of your Mini-Feed. Only a few sites—Flickr, Yelp, Picasa, and del.icio.us—are available for importing at the moment, but we’ll be adding Digg and other sites in the near future. These stories will look just like any other Mini-Feed stories, and will hopefully increase your ability to share information with the people you care about.

I’m wondering what caused the change and integration?

Outside of the tech bubble, a lot of users on Facebook may only know about Flickr and Del.icio.us at the most. If Facebook has plans to integrate other services I’m curious to see how that would pan out.

What if Facebook had added Twitter to their services?

It’s a step in the direction towards opening services that are dominated by early adopters of tech to the average consumer and computer user.

However, how will this play out for those services that do get added? Will this help spread the word and start a chain of events that lead to mass adoptions of these apps and services?

Corvida Raven

A natural pioneer at grasping the rapidly changing landscape of technology, Corvida Raven talks tech in plain English on SheGeeks.net.