Public or Private: Where Do Your Twitter Lists Stand

giving Yesterday Twitter made a headlining announcement that users will soon be able to create lists, or groups, from the Twitter site. You’re already familiar with the groups feature if you use clients like TweetDeck or Hootsuite to manage Twitter. It’s a great feature to use to keep track of specific people, clients, or publications.


Private and Public Advantages of Twitter Lists

What stands out the most about Twitter’s announcement is that any list you create will public by default. What this means is that all the lists you create on Twitter will be available to the public, making it easier to share with friends and your followers. Lists will be linked from your profile so that others can easily subscribe to your lists. However, to respect those with privacy issues, you will also have the option to make your lists private and avoid feeding into Twitter’s popularity drama.


chat What Will You Do?

  • Will you keep all of your lists public or private?
  • What about a mix and match? Will you make public lists for your followers and private lists for yourself?
  • How do you feel about those who choose to keep their lists private?
  • Do you think lists will feed into Twitter’s popularity drama?

Share your thoughts in the comments and let us know why!

Corvida Raven

A natural pioneer at grasping the rapidly changing landscape of technology, Corvida Raven talks tech in plain English on