5 Tips To Avoid Being Filtered From Twitter Search


Did you know that Twitter is beginning to filter out tweets from Twitter Search? Did you know that you can’t twitter the same tweet twice? Neither did I until read  “Recurring Tweets On Twitter Accounts Have Been Discontinued”. Joel Postman, author of Social Corp, performed a quick test that successfully verified that Twitter is filtering out recurring tweets. However, those aren’t the only type of tweets being filtered.

Tweet sent from accounts marked as spam and people who are blocked by others too often will have their tweets filtered out of Twitter Search too. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, having your tweets filtered from Twitter Search is not a good look for your social presence and people will have a hard time hearing you on the very channel they wish to connect. It’s like being on a call and you can barely hear the person on the other line. You get all this other feedback, but you never actually hear the person you want to talk to. Here are 5 ways to avoid that on Twitter:

5 Ways To Avoid Being Filtered From Twitter Search

1. Don’t broadcast your content every 10 seconds. They saw your first tweet, ok? Instead, try spacing tweets for your content over a few hours (2-3). Focus on catching a different group in a different time zone instead of attempting to brainwash people with mass tweeting. It’s a sure way to get you marked as spam.

2. Don’t get marked as spam. Self explanatory (see suggestion 1 if lost).

3. Mix up your headlines. You can’t tweet the same tweet, but you can mix up your headlines when you’ve updated a post. Use these opportunities as a way to do a little SEO target practice . You could also crowdsource your community for the good headlines.

4. Monitor your tweets via Twitter Search. It’s up to you to make sure things are running smoothly on the front-end. Twitter’s development team can address problems more quickly, when they actually know what’s you’re getting on your end of the computer. They’re not psychics and they can’t do everything. Check your username on Twitter Search at least once a week to see if your tweets are showing up properly. Keep reading to find out how to do this.

5. Check Your Followings. They say “one bad apple, spoils the bunch”. Well, the same applies on Twitter. That’s right, you can be guilty through association. Retweeting others that are marked as spam or spam-like content are sure ways to get your account flagged. You might want to start looking at the little box in the top right corner of every Twitter profile. Yes, it’s called a Bio. Read it! Click through to websites listed in profiles with suspicious content. You might be surprised by what comes up.

Find Out If Your Profile Is Showing Up In Twitter Search

Head to Twitter search. Enter the following in the search box:  from:username, without the @ symbol. For example:


When you hit search, make sure that the last tweets you sent out are showing up in Twitter Search. I’d suggest opening a separate tab in your browser to compare and contrast your profile with Twitter Search results.

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Corvida Raven

A natural pioneer at grasping the rapidly changing landscape of technology, Corvida Raven talks tech in plain English on SheGeeks.net.