[Announced] Winners of the SheGeeks iPhone 4 Case Giveaway

This post was actually scheduled to go live a long time ago. With all the holiday rush going on, I was caught off guard and didn’t catch the scheduling error I made (sorry!). Without further ado, here are the winners of the Griffin Tech iPhone 4 Case Giveaway.

Té Baybute (@Tbaybu on Twitter)

Té was one of the first readers to respond to the giveway via Twitter with this awesome jailbroken homescreen:

Tiffany Du (@dutiffany on Twitter)

Tiffany emailed me with one of the prettiest backgrounds I’ve seen this month for the iPhone. I almost took it for my iPhone 4:

I’ll be reaching out to the winners personally to congratulate and ship off the cases. Thanks for entering the giveaway and stay tuned, because there’s much more where that came from! Congrats again to  Té and Tiffany!

Update: For those that asked about my personal setup:

iPhone Lockscreen iPhone Lockscreen

Corvida Raven

A natural pioneer at grasping the rapidly changing landscape of technology, Corvida Raven talks tech in plain English on SheGeeks.net.