Remember when you could see everyone’s conversation with anyone? Now that’s only the case if you follow both parties of the conversation. Otherwise, it’s completely cut off to you. It was so much easier and efficient to make a new connection everyday back then. And if you’ve been paying attention to Twitter lately, then you’re aware that those long lost conversations are starting to make a comeback.
The New Dot Movement
I think Twitter really underestimates the power of its community sometimes. These days Twitter users are starting to share many ways circumvent a lot of Twitter’s dysfunctional tweeting standards. Take for example how people on Twitter are starting to put a period (.) right before replying to someone. They’ve started doing this so everyone can keep up with valuable conversations that they’re having. Here’s a better example via a recent tweet of mine:
.@AieshaDot Example tweet of the shortcut to show Twitter replies to everyone who’s following you –
With Twitter’s default, and unchangeable settings, no one has been able to see conversations between folks if they aren’t following both parties. This used to be one of the most effective ways to make naturally be introduced to new connections and conversations surrounding a business or topic.
Trusted Network, Not A Vacuum
Now, we’re kind of stuck in our own vacuums, so to speak. We hear the same people all day everyday. While there’s nothing wrong with continually developing those relationships, it’s equally important to engage with new connections from by a trusted personal network of people handpicked by you. The new dot movement is bringing that back to Twitter.
Are you dotting your tweets?
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